RECOMMENDED BY Pediatricians,
psychologists and teachers
The journaling time preferred by kids
Junior Design Award 2020/21
Based on over 400 reviews

Our Ethos

We like to keep things simple at HappySelf, because all too often complexity gets in the way of the things that matter.   

What matters to us?   

We’re here to create happier futures by encouraging positive habits today.

This simple purpose has wide-reaching potential, because the habits we teach are lessons for life. So, the earlier we start, the greater number of happy years we’ll help to create, for generations to come.

To guide us, and the children who use our journals, we have a set of values we published at the front of every journal:

  • Be grateful
  • Be kind (to yourself and to others)
  • Choose positivity
  • Honesty (always)
  • Learn something new every day
  • It’s not meant to be easy (it’s important that you don’t give up)
  • Do the right thing (you know what that is)
  • Be curious
  • Be present in the moment
  • Enjoy the little things in life
  • Keep it simple

But most of all, believe in yourself!

We recognise that not everyone can afford our journals and from the start we have been committed to making our journals available, for free or heavily discounted, through charities and schools to get them into the hands of those children that need them most.

We regularly support a range of charities with donations of journals or a share of our profits. These include Barnados and Action for Children as well as a range of smaller charities and family support services.

Our 2019 alternative to the big Black Friday Cyber Monday sales led to our ‘Black Friday Charity Monday’ initiative which saw us make donations to charities nominated by our community of parents such as the National Austistic Society, Snap charity, Hector’s House Charity, the Jessie May Trust, Sands charity, Guardian Angels UK, Each Hospices, Place2Be, These Precious Little People and Reuben’s Retreat. 

More recently the Impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of children of key workers has led to us to respond to many requests direct from hospital trusts, family services and other initiatives distributing care packages for NHS staff leading to the donation of hundreds of journals.

In July 2020 we are proud to announce that we have been selected by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, to receive funding from a designated £40m fund competition designed to boost economic recovery from the impact of COVID-19. Thanks to this we are now in a position to distribute several thousand of our journals to schools for children who are eligible for free school meals.

You can read our press release here.

To find out more about the schools initiative, click here.