RECOMMENDED BY Pediatricians,
psychologists and teachers
The journaling time preferred by kids
Junior Design Award 2020/21
Based on over 400 reviews


Thanks to Innovate UK we are distributing several thousand journals to children on free school meals

UPDATE: 19th June 2020 12:00:

All journals have now been allocated but you can still leave your details below so we can inform you of future school initiatives as we endeavour to secure follow-up funding.

How your school can apply

Our journals are already being used in homes and schools across the UK as a way of promoting positive habits and bolstering the mental wellbeing of children in a simple and effective way. With just a few minutes of focus a day, children benefit by being encouraged to express gratitude, reflect on their emotions and think about their actions.

Teachers and parents alike are delighted at the impact our journals have on the children using them reporting improved behaviour, more positive mindsets, lower stress levels, better communication and improved sleep amongst others. We are therefore delighted to be able to make our journals available for free to UK schools.

To find our more about our Innovate UK funding you can read our press release here.

Schools across the UK are invited to apply below.

Journals will be distributed in batches on a first come first served basis but we will be monitoring the geographic distribution to ensure a fair spread across the UK.

If demand exceeds available journals, we will endeavour to secure follow-up funding.

Please read through these notes before starting your application:

  • UK schools only
  • We can only accept applications from Headteachers and using a school email address
  • One application per school
  • We can only deliver to your school address
  • You may apply for as many children that are in receipt of free school meals in Key Stage 2 (years 3-6)
  • The application process will remain open until all journals are distributed
  • You will receive an email confirming your application was submitted and we will communicate project updates as relevant
  • Journals (our yellow Junior edition) will be shipped before your school is due to close for the summer holidays

If you have any questions about the application process please email

You can find the online application form here:

Applications have now closed. All journals have now been allocated but you can still leave your details below so we can inform you of future school initiatives as we endeavour to secure follow-up funding

To keep up to date with future schools initiatives click here


Please help us spread the word by sharing the link to this page with your community of teachers and schools to help us reach children across the whole of the UK.

You can also find us sharing this on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.